eCourts Perth – How to Access eCourts Portal

The eCourts Perth allows users to see the daily court listings for every court in Western Australia. Some courts don’t display their listings publicly due to court or legislative requirements, but the rest are available. Some court listings are closed to the public, including mediation sittings and compulsory conferences.
eCourts Portal
The eCourts Portal for Perth is a free online system for managing legal proceedings. The system can be used by the legal profession, government agencies, and self-represented litigants. The eCourts Portal allows people to commence civil proceedings and manage all of their legal affairs online. They can file originating documents and other court documents, pay their filing fees online, and access all court orders.
The portal is available on the website of the Magistrates Court of Western Australia, where users can view court listings for district, state and supreme courts. However, the eCourts Portal does not show information for children’s court appearances, due to legislation that prevents public access. However, some information can be obtained by searching by charge number.
eCourts Perth at eLodgment
To use eLodgment at a court, you must first register as a user. Once you are registered, you will receive an email confirmation. This notification will contain all of the information you need to complete your transaction. Once approved, you can begin using eLodgment.
During the process of eLodgment, a user must enter information about the case using a web browser. This information will be encoded using SSL technology. This ensures that the information is not stored on an internet-accessible machine. A person can easily complete an eLodgment if they have an internet connection and a web browser. There is no special software needed to complete the process. In addition, users must be familiar with the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999.
Court listings eCourts Perth
You can find court listings in Western Australia online at They detail which matters are heard in which courtrooms on any given day, and what judges are presiding. The court listings are updated on a daily basis, so you can see what cases are being heard and what time. These listings change daily, depending on the needs of the courts, so it is important to check the listings before you visit.
You can also get updates on upcoming court appearances through email. You can set up automatic email notifications when you have a court date. And you can subscribe to an email newsletter for the latest court information. To sign up for the service, visit and enter your email address in the e-track system. Then follow the instructions above to receive the emails.
Requesting leave to file via eCourts Portal
There are a few steps involved in requesting leave to file via the eCourts Portal. First, the applicant must select the ‘Request Leave’ option. Once the applicant has selected this option, they must attach a letter stating why they need to file a document. They should also indicate what court rule or section they are relying on. The letter will then be eLodged with the document.