How to Access eCourts Portal WA and ELodgment

If you are looking for a way to communicate with the court online, you can use the eCourts Portal WA. The portal is a web-based application that hosts decisions from various courts in Western Australia. It has several functions, including eLodgment and eCourts.
ELodgment is a new method of court service that allows people to file court documents online without the need for a filing fee. It enables individuals to upload Word documents and have them automatically added to pre-set proformas. Registered users can then review and approve the documents, which are then automatically entered into the courts’ electronic case management system.
There are several ways to use the eLodgment system. First, you must first submit an application for leave of court. To do so, you must file a document that states that you are requesting leave of court and which court rule or section you are relying on. Once you have submitted the application, you can eLodge the documents and the accompanying letter.
eCourts Portal WA Conditions of use
The Conditions of Use for the ecourts portal WA apply to any person or legal entity using this website. If you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions, you should immediately leave the site. This website is protected by copyright, which belongs to the State of Western Australia. Fair dealing in the context of private study, research, and customer feedback is permitted under the copyright act 1968. However, you must not reproduce the material for commercial purposes. If you wish to reproduce or copy any material, you must first obtain permission from the Court Executive Manager.
eCourts Portal WA Registering an account
If you are an attorney, you can register an account through the eCourts Portal. In order to access the website, you must have a valid agency licence. Once you have this, you can access BondsOnline. This allows your court systems to interact with the court’s system, which decreases the amount of time it takes for court orders to processed. It is also important to remember that the surname of the lessor and tenant on your account must match the surname on the file with the Bonds Administration. To check this, you can log into BondsOnline and find the lessor/tenant’s surname.
Filing documents
The eCourts Portal WA (e-courts portal) is an online service offered by several courts in WA, including the Family Court. The portal allows people to view court documents and file documents. It provides a secure, online environment for filing and viewing court documents. All documents filed through the portal are in the same electronic format as those filed in the courtroom.
To file a document on the eCourts portal, you first need to register for an account with the portal. After you register, you will sent an email that will enable you to complete your registration. This process can take as little as 24 hours, and once it approved, you can begin filing documents on the portal.